Monday, February 9, 2015

Feb 13 Market manipulators are making their fourth attempt this week to set a new high. The last NYSE high was last July. They are having their greatest difficulty moving the DJAC at this time. It is quite possible this manipulated high will exhaust the manipulator’s funds and end with a precipitous decline.

Tesla was estimated to deliver 11,142 vehicles, but only ultimately delivered only 9,834 in the fourth quarter. The company said it was unable to deliver all the cars because of "a combination of customers being on vacation, winter snow, and shipping problems.  The short sellers can see Tesla is limping so they are beginning to circle Tesla like vultures looking to make a killing.

Pressured by Congress, the IRS run by Obama/Holder has had to apologize for seizing banks accounts and other assets from otherwise law-abiding business owners simply because those owners chose to try to avoid harassment by Obama, Holder, and their corrupted IRS.  Many American did the same as the people Obama/Holder had harassed.  Christians, Conservatives, and Republicans but any other good American making frequent deposits just under $10,000.  It was broadcast nationally that drug dealers typically made many large deposits to banks therefore the banks were to report any bank deposits of $10,000 or more to the FBI.  Therefore any intelligent informed American made his or her deposits smaller than $10,000 to not appear to be laundering money.  So given the well known limited level of intelligence of this administration, Obama/Holder instructed the IRS to harass not just the drug pushers but all intelligent Americans making deposits just under $10,000.  Obama/Holder then had the IRS and illegally goes after almost every American that lives or travels frequently abroad because they tend to have bank accounts abroad.  The IRS has now apologized because that harassment and illegal seizures of private accounts ordered by Obama and Holder.  IRS Commissioner John Koskinen told Congress Wednesday that the IRS is changing policies to prevent the seizures, as long as the money came from legal means.  In some cases, the IRS seized and held individual and corporation bank accounts for years without bringing charges.


Feb 11  The process of corruption in Red China today rears its heads like a three headed dragon.  The first is in the harassment of the foreign target companies on trumped up charges coupled with crippling financial penalties.   That is how they destroy foreign competition and cause losses. The second is in copying technology and selling knockoffs like when the communists set up fake Chinese Apple stores selling a complete line of counterfeit Apple products.   The Chinese computer hacked foreign manufacturing specs and copied, manufactured, and exported fake Rolex watches, copies of expensive software, Apple products, and other valuable products.  The counterfeit knock-offs are still sold for only10% to 20% of the real product’s list price because one common thief doesn’t need a brain to copy the intellectual property of 500 engineers.   Singapore and other Asian countries then resell the counterfeits to tourists.  The average tourist cannot tell the difference but the copies are illegal in most of the free world.  They are sometimes confiscated at airports.  The third and worst level of corruption is with the Chinese government officials who become more friendly when their palms are greased with foreign bank accounts.   With a deposit to their bank account (outside of China), they will even lower or drop the fines that the foreign capitalist pigs have to pay.  It is a no-win situation fighting the corrupt system in China from the outside.  And as the Chinese economy begins to hollow out, enter a recession, and has a debt crisis, we can expect some Chinese will seek to defect before the implosion when many will face corruption charges and executions.  The rats will always flee a sinking ship.
Bribery is not unique to China.  Recently New York City regulators and State legislators have been in the news being arrested for the same kinds of things they do in China.  It is a major problem for governments that create laws with many regulations for the purpose of making innocent people guilty as charged whenever they chose.  The Trial is a novel written by Franz Kafka in 1914 and 1915 but not published until 1925 after his death.  It eloquently shows the nightmare of innocent people under Libtard socialism and communism before Hitler and Lenin made them more powerful.   It tells the story of a man arrested and prosecuted by an inaccessible all powerful government authority.   His crime cannot be denied because it is never revealed to him nor the reader.

   JOLTS, the number of “Job Openings” sitting out there unfilled in December for anyone qualified is now 5,028,000 up from 4,972,000 last month.  That is a measure not of the economy as much as our Libtard run educational system that tries to make everyone a Jonathan Gruber or Elizabeth Warren Harvard professor but leaves them with no credible skills or achievements.

   The MBA Mortgage index fell -9.0% as of last Friday meaning fewer people took out mortgages, not exactly the housing boom trumpeted by Pravda/MSNBC and Obama the last four months.  We first noted when the single family housing industry decline started last September.


Feb 10 Most of the funds that short stocks gave up two years ago causing a buying exuberance for even worthless start-ups.  But when the stock market is getting near the top it drags along the junk that was shunned earlier.   But then the rigorous alpha driven hedge funds lose money because they bought value and sold short the sudden rising junk.   Eventually the junk catches up with their original relative levels compared with top level stocks of the selective stock indices.  But, when the market is ready to collapse and people panic the most selective and safe Dow stocks and growth stocks climb just a little more at the expense of the broader market.  That is why the NYSE, not the DOW, is a leading indicator for the market top.  It is so broad that market manipulators have given up on it and wish it would go away.  You can’t find NYSE prices much less its market volume in most magazines.  The business news programs seldom mention the NYSE any more.  That is one reason why the NYSE not the fashionable selective indices tells the truth.  The highly selective indices blindside all the market advisors for six months to a year until the broad market is down 10% to 30%.  And even when the advisors know the truth, few speak up because many lose their jobs for their negativity.  Market volume and commissions collapse 60% (a recession) to 90% (a depression) when the correction occurs.  Prudent investors weigh the evidence.  The TV commentators do not because they are paid to deliver sunshine as long as possible.

Russia invaded and took Crimea and is now fighting to take the Ukraine.  Putin has reminded everyone that Russia still has over 1000 nuclear missiles each that can destroy an entire city.  A few hundred of them are on untrackable submarines off the American coasts.  ISIS teaches children to decapitate adults and burns adults alive.  Syria drops corrosive chlorine by the barrel full on city families.  Iran continues their nuclear program taking advantage of the incompetent American administration.  The libtard who let the four USA embassy staff die in Libya and burn, later told Congress "what difference does it make now!"  Now she thinks she qualifies as a presidential candidate.  The whole world has gone mad.  The number of Americans renouncing U.S. citizenship increased 37 percent to 1,062 from 776 in the year-earlier period, according to Federal Register data.

The world’s second-largest oilfield services company, Halliburton, just announced plans to cut as many as 6400 employees or 8 percent of its workforce as it adjusts to the collapse of oil prices and brings job reductions closer to the cuts of its competitors.  Oil is predicted to drop to under $30/barrel and then slowly rise to about $60 to $70 where current demand can sustain the price.    It will take a long time for demand to exceed the supply of oil from fracking.  If the Arabs do not cut their supply of oil they will run out of oil and have less than 50% of the wealth they could have it they stop drilling new wells.


Feb 9   If the stock market falls significantly through its lowest levels of Jan 15, 2015 we could see about another 8% downward correction.  A DJI of 17300, a NYSE of 10500, a NASDAQ of 4550, or an S and P of 6300 will likely be the test areas for the next correction.  After that, the lows of last October 15 may very well be the next lower resistance level.  It takes six to twelve months for the news media to become brave enough to declare a bear market.  In the mean time during a bear market ETFs are a slow death and must be sold before they end up at only 10% of their purchase value.  When they are down 90% they usually have a 6 to 1 or 10 to 1 stock reverse split which fools the novice investor.  A novice looking at price might see the price jump up 900% not realizing the stock was reverse split and is worth only 10% of the value when it was bought.
Jeb Bush could be in big trouble if he thinks about running for president.  Fortune magazine had a revealing article on Common Core education in their Feb 2015 issue.  It implies the marketing has been corrupted to win mostly Libtards and a few conservatives.  The Conservatives in high positions got free vacations such as in Finland, or Argentina, and other places when they showed any interest in Common Core.  The Libtards were given free sample tests to try out on disadvantaged children in their schools and the tests were officially graded for them by the company.   Many Libtards were at first ecstatic when they saw that their former low performing students scored high.  The Libtards of average intelligence checked the exams and discovered the firm selling and grading the course had falsified the test results.  Libtards did not realize the scores were processed on the normalizing libtard curve that makes the slow learner look average and the top students look like geniuses.  All scoring of students has been dumbed down since 1963.  A student with an above average SAT score of 600 out of 800 back in 1963 would have a near perfect score of 794 out of 800 today.   That is how dumbed down the Libtards of education have made an American education today.  The honest truth is that America’s intelligent students today still work hard and learn in spite of Libtard teachers.  Some Libtards today go to court to have all their grades, falsified applications, citizenships, and passports sealed by the courts to conceal their incompetence and lack of qualifications.   Others such as Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts falsely claimed she was a Cherokee Indian to get special advantages and schools until it came out after she was elected.   If a Libtard wants to scam and cheat her way through life there are free cell phones, tax reimbursements for no income, food stamps, and welfare checks that can be cashed at gambling casinos.   There is no depth to which a Libtard will go to cheat the Libtard system.  You can also get your drugs half price if you move to Colorado where Libtards say it should be free for the homeless.   That is how corrupt our educational and economic systems have become under the Libtards.  All the truthful psychological studies show that test grades do not correlate with success in life but character and hard work do correlate.  Hard work and emotional intelligence not intellectual gifts are what correlate with marriage and business success alike.  Libtards are gullible and actually think the tests, and their private schools determine success in life.    But when you look at what they do, they are all choosing schools that have only a token number of minorities from rich families usually the wealthy from Africa and South/Central America.  In fact they are not liberals at all but common racist Libtards.  They don’t want their children in with even the average American.

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