Monday, November 23, 2015

11-25-2015 McKinsey Global Institute has predicted that new global competition for corporate profits which stands at almost 10 percent of world GDP, will shrink to less than 8 percent by 2025 thereby undoing in the next decade nearly all of the corporate gains achieved relative to the world economy during the past 30 years. That pertains to the future decade after the coming stock market panic and the “stupid part’s” deepening recession.

            MBA Mortgage Index 11/21 fell -3.2% after increasing +6.2% in October
Corporate profits in the third Quarter fell -4.7% after being flat last month and resembles 2007 just as the recession began.
            A new Federal Investigation of Wal-Mart has begun into bribery and corruption charges during their expansion into foreign countries.  $500,000 in payments alone went to Brazil.  The WSJ also reported that Walmart has already spent $700,000,000 on internal investigations of their continuing corrupt expansion practices over several years.  Wal-Mart was recently forced to remove “Made in the USA” logos from its e-commerce site after an inquiry by the Federal Trade Commission into false labeling.  The Wal-Mart CEO has allowed this embarrassing corruption to grow once again and should resign.
Manufacturers' New Orders fell to a record low of -20% at mid year and have now rallied now to -7% the previous record low.
11-24-2015    Russian Jets systematically violated Turkey’s airspace and today a Russian Jet was shot down after it bombed innocent ethnic Turkish people who live in Syria on the Turkey’s border.  The Russians are killing everyone opposed to the mass murderer Bashar al-Assad and that amounts to mass murder by Putin.  The Russian bombing of ISIS does not in anyway excuse the mass murder of all the ethnic groups opposed to proven mass murderers of Bashar al-Assad, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and Putin.
            Consumer confidence dropped from 99.1 to 90.4 and remember under George Bush it was as high as 142.
            After only one day the WSJ is unfortunately back to using the worthless 65 day moving average instead of the 200dma apparently because they are hiding the fact that the 8-year bull market cycle ended and the bear market started August 24, 2016.  But today the WSJ had excellent Opinion Articles by Bret Stephens, William McGurn, and Sohram Ahmari.
            The decline of the economy in America and Europe is not due to the aging of the population.  The decline is due to the dumbing down of university professors, the dumbing down of teachers, and consequently the dumbing down of America.
            The dumbed down people in the  “stupid party” are trying to use the same tricks again as they did when they got the great businessman Ross Perot to run as an independent so that “stupid party” candidate Bill Clinton could beat old man George Bush out of his second term in 1972.  This time they are trying to use Bush and Mario to try to divide the GOP and get the great businessman Trump to run as an independent so that “stupid party” candidate Hilary Clinton can win.   It is the same strategy as before and America will again be the loser if the aging and impotent GOP apparatus gets senile now and forgets about Ross Perot.   Remember it was Bill Clinton that gave America Ruby Ridge (a dead Special Forces family), Wako (a dead religious commune), and who sued many Christian churches that exercised free speech which the “stupid party” wanted to censor.  Hitler did the same as the Clintons did.  He did it in Germany to Lutheran ministers who criticized the NAZI treatment of Jews.  Hitler shut them up or shut them down.   Later when he knew he was defeated Hitler had Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer and other critics of genocide hung from lamp posts as examples of what happened to critics of nationalist socialism.  Stalin shot all the critics of his international socialism.  Americans have had one stable government for 339 years because Americans are a well armed people protected by the American Constitution and don’t play games with our freedom.
            The polls say Trump and Mario would beat Clinton but Bush cannot.  Bush should now step aside and leave his money to the winner of the Republican primaries.  Bush should not work for Hilary Clinton and engage in dirty tricks that would let down many Americans and leave them hating the Bush family just as much as the “stupid party” already hates the Bush family.  Obama probably would fall dead last on all the polling criteria should he be put in all the polls along with the GOP and the “stupid party” candidates.   He should be included in the polls because he is a lot smarter and more honest than the other “stupid party” candidates and Americans need to know how likely things would get much worse under Hilary Clinton.
            11-23-2015   Today the WSJ finally shows index plots with 200dma not 65 day moving averages. That means the WSJ now finally wants investors to know stocks are still in a bear market as of August 24 and there has not been a reversal as Jim Cramer has been chanting of late. We were wrong about Jim Cramer because he has flip-flopped twice now and he has still not screamed “SELL SELL SELL” yet. That could happen in a few weeks as the holiday sales figures come out. The credit screws are now beginning to tighten.
            Stock market fraud is what got stock prices to today’s historically obscene eight year high levels.  Drug maker CEO’s that siphon off high salaries, obscene capital gains, and finally golden parachutes by overpaying using leveraged buyouts of other drug makers and then stealing from the American government and its citizens by jacking up the price of the drugs by 100% to 5000%; they deserve to go to jail for theft and fraud.  The stockholders inevitably lose.   This form of theft is facilitated by the Fed’s low interest rate policy that minimizes the cost of misallocated money.
            Stock buybacks are at an eight year high level and are also usually a form of fraud by CEOs for most companies that leverage their stockholders with debts ensuring losses and possibly bankruptcy later then interest rates rise.  The fraud provides no long term shareholder value and is entirely done for the purpose of the CEO salary increases and bonuses.  The stockholders inevitably lose.  Stock buybacks are now at an eight-year high.
            "We're going to take things away from you for the common good."~ Hillary Clinton  6/29/2004
            Every once in a while you see a great idea and wonder why you didn’t think of it.

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