Thursday, October 8, 2009

Gold soars to new record of $1043/oz. as Obama administration continues to destabilize the world.

The leftist in the Obama regime want to abandon Afghanistan and Pakistan to the Taliban and use predator drones to fight terrorists by flying over sovereign airspace without approval. Afghanistan is between Iran and Pakistan so by fleeing Afghanistan Obama would leave Iran with a free hand to develop thermonuclear bombs and would leave terrorists with at least 50 nuclear bombs if they decide to overthrow the already destabilized Pakistani government. Obama's failing leftist foreign policies are pushing his leftist advisors towards national isolationism.

The U.S. government congressional budget office reported the Obama administration ended its 2009 fiscal year with a deficit of $1.4 trillion, the highest since 1945 the last year of WWII. It is almost three times as high as President Bush's highest deficit in his eight years. The deficit included the funds needed to bail out unions by nationalizing half the American auto industry, funds needed to keep ACORN corruption flourishing across the inner cities of America, funds for the bonuses of the finance crooks who used Senator Barney Frank's free mortgage housing scam to create and sell the toxic financial derivatives that brought down the banks.

It was not the poor who corrupted the banks, it was Barney Frank and the other corrupt Senate Banking Committee members so stop blaming the poor. The financial derivatives would have worked if mortgage defaults could have been kept to less than 3% but with Barney Frank handing out free lunches to 6% he and the other democrat-socialist senators brought down the entire world economy.

But that is not enough. The democrat-socialists want to further destroy the American economy by passing: 1) creeping socialism in a medical system,
2) crippling cap and trade wealth redistribution from the US to the third world.
3) defeatist/isolationist national policy in the face of advancing world terrorism.

Market forces October 8

Market analysts have followed Jim Cramer's advice. They no longer try to give accurate forecasts because when corporations meet accurate forecasts the stock price doesn't increase. Instead market analysts deceive investors by giving low-ball earnings estimates so that even continually declining earnings look outstanding because a forecasted loss lie was averted. So we have a stock market bubble financed with commingled bank liquidity provided by almost 1$trillion in TARP plus declining earnings puffed up as an improvement in earnings versus the analysts loss-lie prediction.

Add to this wholesale democrat-socialist corruption of American economics and foreign policy the administration also attacks on the free speech of financial and political dissidents. We have growing world chaos similar to what preceded WWII. The Obama administration is seemingly creating the second Great Depression before our eyes and setting America up for another Pearl Harbor sneak attack by terrorists.

Still this is no time to hide money under the bed or in bonds, the money market, or treasuries. Rising inflation will initially crush bonds and devalue currency. The time to go into bonds and money markets is when inflation peaks and the FED is still raising rates. That may not even start to happen in the next year and the peak inflation rate could be as late as ten years away. We continue to invest in sector stocks that are down but rotating back into favor and then take profits on their short run-ups that sometimes only last a week before they tumble again. It is better to take 8% every month than 20% over a year. While this year is an exception, 10% a year is on average about the best buy-and-hold can achieve.

Asian markets were generally up last night; China up 0.9%, Hong Kong up 1.2%, India up 0.2%, Japan up 0.3%, and Taiwan down -1.4%.

European markets are up in a range from 0.6% to 1.3% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are up today thanks to low-ball earnings predictions, by about 0.7% to 0.9% at 9:00 AM EST after a flat Wednesday buying opportunity.

On the positive side, natural gas prices may be stabilizing and that is a good sign for clean energy to begin to actually start to supply America. The Obama administration has been ignoring natural gas and nuclear energy that are plentiful, cheap, and clean. If Nevada elects a new senator next year, America will have a safe repository for the infinitesimal amount of nuclear waste generated with the new French nuclear waste reprocessing methods that turn waste into new fuel.

Advances in science and the 2010 election will be necessary to pull America out of this administration's corrupting socialist quick sand. The polls say that Americans find incumbent Republicans, Democrats, and Independents equally culpable for the chaos on capital hill. Americans want to throw them all out and have term limits so that the corruption isn't always institutionalized like what Senator Rangel represents to banking.

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