Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wall Street now appears to be pumping gold to dump it on small investors.

The US Dollar is not the reason for gold making new records. The dollar is still stronger than it was in July 2008 yet gold just set a new record at ~1040$/oz. That would be consistent with the anticipation of inflation in addition to the value of the dollar. But there is no evidence yet of inflation.

Farmers are being destroyed by low commodity prices. And why are farmers in Europe dumping milk and raw eggs in the streets if there is inflation?

And ranchers are feeling the pain too.

And fuel, heating oil, and other energy is cheap.\

And all that noise about record coffee prices is nonsense as well.

And if there is a recovery why is industrial copper so low. And why are the other metals not following gold? Could it be that gold is rising only because Wall Street wants to dump their shares on small investors?

The GE/MSNBC/Pravda media is not reporting the facts… it pumps up what the funds want pumped so that they can dump the junk on small investors at high prices. Deflation not inflation is still the world problem.

Market forces October 7

Conway a senior real estate analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta is quoted in the WSJ. The Journal said a Fed official had confirmed the authenticity of the Conway document, but added it did not represent the central bank's formal opinion.

Conway's report predicted that commercial real-estate losses would reach roughly 45% next year. The report said that the most "toxic" loans on bank books were interest-only loans, which get no benefit from amortization, since it requires borrowers to repay interest but no principal. The Journal said the report also stated that banks have been slow to absorb the losses on their loans, partly due to "capital preservation" concerns.

Nothing has changed since 1929! The Obama administration is creating the second Great Depression before our eyes. They persecute BOA dissident Ken Lewis and starve American industry of liquidity while TARP funds the stock market speculators and ACORN corruption continues to get democrat-socialist funding at taxpayer expense. They now attack dissident Rush Limbaugh with offensive material calling him a Nazi among much grosser things. See:

Apparently the lack of investment standards that result even in the co-mingling of funds allows the current stock market bubble to inflate as banks divert money from reviving businesses to lucrative stock speculation.

Asian markets were generally mixed last night; Hong Kong up 2.1%, India down -0.9%, Japan up 1.1%, and S Korea down -0.1%. Several Asian markets were closed or did not report on time.

European markets were firs up moderately but are declining fast and down slightly in the range from -0.2% to -1.1% this morning about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures are flat today have been sinking and are now down in a range of about -0.1% to -0.3% at 9:00 AM EST after Tuesday's advance.

On the positive side, natural gas prices may be stabilizing and that is a good sign for clean energy to begin to actually start to supply America. The Obama administration has been ignoring natural gas and nuclear energy that are plentiful cheap and clean. If Nevada elects a new senator next year America will have a safe repository for the infinitesimal amount of nuclear waste generated with new French waste reprocessing methods.

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