Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The world has a lot to learn from China. Can a totalitarian socialist nation peacefully transition to an autonomous entrepreneurial state without a t

The world has a lot to learn from China. Can a totalitarian socialist nation peacefully transition to an autonomous entrepreneurial state without a transitory gangster era or a blood bath occurring?

It is very clear that Obama's declaration that terrorists and illegal aliens cannot be profiled is racist as well as unconstitutional. Moslems of dark skin are exempt from pat downs while fair skinned nuns get felt up at airports. That is not just stupidity… it is unconstitutional. It is unreasonable search. It is stupid pat downs of frightened 3yr old white children while people who look like terrorists are given favorable treatment. The shoe and underwear Moslem terrorists got through the past searches of older white women so now they are feeling up white nuns. How did American leftists get so many judges appointed? We need a concerted effort to recall all the leftists who are taking away our constitutional rights in the name of security while letting terrorists, drug lords, and illegal aliens get American driver's licenses so they can establish fake American identities.

The leftist need to be voted out of office and their appointed leftist judges need to be recalled. We also need a death penalty for the judges and all government officials who violate our constitutional rights and discriminate in favor of insane Moslem terrorists by disallowing the use of the profiling of terrorists and illegal aliens. Those leftist judges and leftist federal officials are killing Americans just as surely, as are the terrorists are themselves. They are co-conspirators and should get the death penalty as a lesson because leftists are dangerous cowards who can easily be stopped by the fear of the death penalty.

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.
-Benjamin Franklin

Those trusted government officials who use safety as a justification to take away essential American liberty deserve the death penalty. Those trusted government officials who stand by and watch Americans stripped of their constitutional rights should themselves be stripped of their American citizenship and run out of the country on a rail.

James Madison knew how to profile the dregs of society. All of the Moslem states are welfare states under the rapacious violence of the vicious and idle Moslem fanatics who practice Sharia stupidity. Ban them all from entering America and deport the ones already here. We don't need them and Americans cannot trust them unless they renounce the hateful Imams who advocate Sharia law.

Thomas Jefferson to P. Dupont in 1816 wrote; "The majority oppressing an individual, is guilty of a crime, abuses its strength, and by acting on the law of the strongest breaks up the foundation of society."
Well, Obama leftist claim they represent the "majority" that Thomas Jefferson says are therefore guilty of crime as they impose unjust laws.

James Madison in the Federalist Papers, Feb 5, 1788 wrote to the Massachusetts Convention, "but as a just government protects all alike, it is necessary that the sober and industrious part of the community should be defended from the rapacity and violence of the vicious and idle. A bill of rights, therefore, ought to set forth the purposes for which the compact is made, and serves to secure the minority (the creative and productive Americans) against the usurpation and tyranny of the majority (the "Obama idiot" leftists)."

In 1824 Thomas Jefferson the founder the Democratic Party also wrote (note in Tracy's Political Economy, 1816), “To take from one (the creative and productive Americans), because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers (idiot leftists) have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, and the fruits acquired by it."

Obama's civil trials of terrorists resulted in the dismissal of 99.5% of the charges of the first terrorist. The terrorist probably has already served more time than is needed for parole for his 20-year sentence. Remember that tele-evangelist (Tammy Fay's husband) who got a 40 year sentence for running a time share condominium that went bankrupt (1990's)? Preachers get 40 years prison while terrorists get 20 years and Obama's predator friends like George Soros run free.

World Markets:
China could successfully transition to free enterprise. If they do they could then unlock pent-up creativity and become a true world leader not the pirate kingdom they are today as they steal and copy western technology with complete abandonment. The lack of true creativity was what brought Japan down. The world is watching China to see if they are truly capable of leading not just copying the west.

Mad dog Kim Jong-il is set to be the next communist homicidal maniac to run the N. Korean death camp. Communism is just the end result of creeping socialism. China would do the world a favor if they would decapitate the N. Korean government and support ate assimilation of N. Korea into the democratic S. Korea.

Phony bail-out
Ireland accepted loans from the EU now to prevent a run on their banks. The banks that Ireland owes are the banks bailing out Ireland. In other words the world banks that Ireland owes are now loaning Ireland more money so Ireland can make payments on their earlier loans. This is fraud because it is deceit in that it does not solve the problem it makes it worse. It is like giving someone with no means of support a loan to make payments on a home mortgage so the bank can hide the fact that the mortgage is now worthless. Socialists think that kind of redistribution of wealth is the purpose of banking and that profits for shareholders are evil. Socialist CEOs also rob the till to keep those evil profits lower and to donate more to Obama.

Economic Calendar

GDP - Second Estimate Q3 is 2.5% up from 2% for the first estimate. Great news
GDP Deflator - Second Estimate Q3 is 2.3% same as first estimate. Then why doesn't social security reflect this?
Existing Home Sales Oct was 4.4M down from 4.5M last month. Not good at all.
Minutes of FOMC Meeting Nov 3 Fed officials raised their unemployment projections for the next two years from the 4.5% prior to Obama. Policy makers raised estimates of permanent effects of Obama policies to a 5 to 6 percent permanent unemployable underclass who vote for leftist anti-American candidates. 40% of Americans contribute nothing in taxes for any government programs and get most of the government handouts. Let us cut government size and not raise taxes until everyone pays a fair share. When the USA was created you had to own a piece of America before you had a right to vote.

This Week
Nov 24 7:00 AM MBA Mortgage Applications 11/19
Nov 24 8:30 AM Personal Income Oct
Nov 24 8:30 AM Personal Spending Oct
Nov 24 8:30 AM PCE Prices - Core Oct
Nov 24 8:30 AM Durable Orders Oct
Nov 24 8:30 AM Durable Orders -ex transportation Oct
Nov 24 8:30 AM Initial Claims 11/20
Nov 24 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 11/13
Nov 24 9:55 AM Michigan Sentiment - Final Nov
Nov 24 10:00 AM New Home Sales Oct
Nov 24 10:00 AM FHFA Home Price Index (q/q) Q3
Nov 24 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 11/20
Nov 24 2:00 PM Minutes of FOMC Meeting Nov 3

Market Outlook Nov 24, 2010
The volatility index is frightfully low and showing complacency with all the chaos of the world today. Bulls vastly outnumber bears and bears are getting squeezed hard. A major short squeeze could very well be what was driving the market up. The shorts panic and buy to cover their shorts.

Based on the cash flow out of the market it looks like one additional consolidation period may be needed for the bull market to resume.

World Markets
Asian markets were mixed last night. China's market was up 1.1%, Hong Kong up 0.6%, India market down -1.2%, and Japan down -0.8%.

European markets were down sharply yesterday this morning up in a range of about 0.3% to 1.3% about half way through their day.

US pre-market futures were up about 0.1% to 0.3% at 8:00 AM EST.

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