Monday, April 9, 2012

Rasmussen Reported Mitt Romney now wins with 47% of the vote, to President Obama’s 45%. 8% undecided.

Rasmussen Reported Mitt Romney now wins with 47% of the vote, to President Obama’s 45%. 8% undecided.

The 120,000 increase in payrolls reported by the Labor Department in Washington last week was the smallest in five months and less than the most pessimistic estimate in a Bloomberg News survey of economists. Forget the official 8.2% BS jobless rate. The U6 rate, which tracks not only those out of work but those who’ve essentially given up looking for work, is at about 14.5%, and the rate that includes “the entitled” with phony disabilities who refuse to work bring “Obama.unemployment” to over 21%.

1) Last week Obama’s illegal alien uncle was arrested again in Boston for drunk driving. No one can explain how he could legally get a US Social Security Number or could have passed a driver’s test without Obama’s complete disregard for America’s laws.

2) The reported Obama 18% lead with woman voters apparently disappeared Friday as Rasmussen Reported only shows that forty-three percent (43%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of –18. Only Twenty-nine percent (29%) say the U.S. is generally stumbling in the right direction. In a hypothetical Election 2012 matchup, Mitt Romney wins with 47% of the vote, to President Obama’s 45%. In order for Obama to really have an 18% lead with women Obama would have to trail about 25% with men because women outnumber men and Obama is behind by 2%... even with his purported 18% lead with women plus 100% of the lunatic fringe plus 100% of his registered illegal aliens/relatives.

3) The White House faced criticism for Obama’s decision to invite the Rev. Al Dumbton to the White House Easter Prayer Breakfast, while excluding top leaders of the nation’s largest Protestant denominations.

4) Obama racism spreads across America as a diversion from Obama’s failed socialism and his corruption of science and energy research. This past week the three major leftist lame lunatic news sources all admitted doctoring evidence to make George Zimmerman look like an assailant when he was the victim. Good thing they admitted it before the lynching started.

The pedal has been to the metal for three years as Obama socialism gradually destroys free enterprise and enforcement of the American Constitution and established laws. Obama simply refuses to enforce the laws he doesn’t like. The Executive Branch is required by the American Constitution to enforce all of America's laws. Obviously Obama does not consider himself to be and therefore is not a legitimate American president.

All the global stock markets are giving one year, seven-year and twelve-year peak to peak sell signals.

The economy is sagging again with Obama’s attacks on free enterprise and attacks on pay for performance that he calls "Darwinian". Socialism rewards demonstrators, pickets, destructive strikers, attacks on Constitutional law, attacks on the right to protect yourself from deadly force, and encourages Jesse Jackson vigilantes and Black Panther bounties on the heads of the victims of Obama’s racist socialist policies. The government and Constitution of Northern Nigeria has become Obama’s model for socialism and religious and racial equality.

An astute observer has said, ”To the Russian and Nazi socialists, economic crises were essential to their power grabs. To the idiots like Carter and Obama the Americans respond to their crises by kicking their asses out of office.”

The market is about to give a four-year sell signal and a twelve-year mega-sell signal. Obama declared an economic depression in 2007 and we got it because he needed it to win the election. Obama crying “wolf” saying Bush created a depression during his campaign psychologically pushed the world over the edge and into a depression with the help of his buddy Senator Dodd who caused the first bank run of the Obama-Dodd-Frank liar loan meltdown. We need to dump Obama quickly just as we dumped Jimmy Carter.

Obama home liar loans, Obama corruption in the energy sector, Obama election fraud with no voter IDs... see how the corrupt Obama and stupid socialists are stealing our freedom! See how easy it is for Obama’s activist organizations like ACORN to load the ballot boxes for their lunatic left candidates. This is why voter I.D. is sorely needed. See how Obama and Al Franken get their votes the same way that Putin does it in Russia. See what Obama did all his life as a “community activist’ engaged in voter fraud.!

World market
There are growing signs of spying on U.S. universities and it is alarming national security officials. As schools become more global in their locations and student populations, their culture of openness and international collaboration makes them increasingly vulnerable to theft of research conducted for the government and industry. “We have intelligence and cases indicating that U.S. universities are indeed a target of foreign intelligence services,” said Frank Figliuzzi, Federal Bureau of Investigation assistant director for counterintelligence.

Sony to cut 10,000 jobs or 6% of their work force. Socialist Japan used to say they provided cradle to grave jobs and their employees used to sing songs about their socialism every morning the way the Chinese communists did. In 1986 Japans leftist lunatics thought they would become the world’s #1 economy just as the Red Chinese and other leftist lunatics think Red China will now become. The problem with the leftist lunatics is they grow by stealing intellectual property from creative leaders of free enterprise. But thugs and thieves do not make good economic progress.

China’s consumer prices rose 3.6 percent from a year earlier, the National Bureau of Statistics said today as inflation there accelerates. 2.5% is the maximum desired.

Russia’s central bank refrained from cutting interest rates for a fourth month after signaling that inflation is increasing. Bank Rossii overnight auction-based repurchase rate was kept at 5.25 percent.

All the global stock markets are giving one year, seven-year and twelve-year peak to peak sell signals. Germany’s market is losing steam in a 12-year mega-trend decline. To see the megatrend look back to 1995.^gdaxi;range=my;compare=;indicator=ema(200,100)+volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined;

The Swiss are still lower than last year’s high with a mega-trend decline. Choose max years^ssmi;range=my;compare=;indicator=ema(200,100)+volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined;

Emerging markets are still lower than last year’s high and look like a head and shoulder sell signal 12-year mea-trend decline.^BVSP+Interactive#symbol=^bvsp;range=5y;compare=;indicator=ema(100,200)+volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined;

American Economy
Obama shovel ready economic data manipulation comes with the latest job pitch. Obama economic progress is a very simple manipulation of data. If Obama was not corrupt he would report consistently from month to month not report fictitious good news but then quietly lower it in a hidden “revision” so he can fraudulently report good news the next month.

Last week’s Obama fraud highlights
Construction Spending Feb was going to drop –1.8% compare with dropping only –0.1% last month which is quite horrible; but Obama changed the drop of –0.1% last month to a drop of –0.8% without reporting that change so that the this month the drop would only be -1.1%. Without the neo-Stalinist Obama corruption of American data the construction spending would show plummeted –1.8% last month.
ADP new jobs for Mar 209K down from 216K last month
ISM Services Mar 56.0 down from 57.3 last month
Crude Inventories 03/31 at a record 9.1M vs 7.1M last month yet gasoline prices rose again.
Challenger Job Cuts Mar -8.8% down from 2.0%
Initial Claims 03/31 357K 363K Last week it was 359K after it was announced it was immediately increased to by 4K so that they could reduce this weeks number from an increase to 361K to a decrease to 357K. Here it is again.
The truth is Initial Claims 03/31 361K up from 359K which is bad.
Obama lied and said Initial Claims 03/31 357K down from 363K by moving 4K to last weeks number after reporting last week 4K lower.
Continuing Claims 03/24 3338K down from 3340 is the Obama lie in which he says we improved 2K
Continuing Claims 03/24 3338K 3379K up from 3354K is the Obama sad truth. Obama shifted 15K to last week after reporting last week 15K lower. That shift is a lie that makes this week look 16K lower instead of 18K worse.
Obama’s economic recovery is all smoke and mirrors otherwise know as Obama bullshit.

Last Friday
Nonfarm Payrolls Mar 120K sharply lower than 227K last month
Nonfarm Private Payrolls Mar 121K sharply lower than 233K last month
Unemployment Rate Mar 8.2% down from 8.3% more Obamabull

This week
Apr 10 10:00 AM Wholesale Inventories Feb
Apr 11 7:00 AM MBA Mortgage Index 04/07
Apr 11 8:30 AM Export Prices ex-ag. Mar
Apr 11 8:30 AM Import Prices ex-oil Mar
Apr 11 10:30 AM Crude Inventories 04/07
Apr 11 2:00 PM Treasury Budget Mar
Apr 11 2:00 PM Fed's Beige Book Apr
Apr 12 8:30 AM Initial Claims 04/07
Apr 12 8:30 AM Continuing Claims 03/31
Apr 12 8:30 AM PPI Mar
Apr 12 8:30 AM Core PPI Mar
Apr 12 8:30 AM Trade Balance Feb
Apr 13 8:30 AM CPI Mar
Apr 13 8:30 AM Core CPI Mar
Apr 13 9:55 AM Mich Sentiment Apr

Market outlook April 9, 2012

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben S. Bernanke warned that a U.S. economic recovery is non-existent and not even assured (as long as Obama is in office). This market is running on borrowed time.

The stock markets again could not break their upper resistance levels. One of these bumps will result in the next flash crash when the Hedge Fund computers take their profits.

The DOW rails still do not confirm the last DOW industrial’s rise and are even lower now. No rail confirmation means there is no DOW buy signal. In fact it is looking like a head and shoulder sell signal forming worse in the Rails.^djt;range=2y;indicator=ema(200,100)+volume;charttype=line;crosshair=on;ohlcvalues=0;logscale=on;source=undefined

The VIX shows record complacency. A sharp computer sell-off could end the current rally any moment now and trigger huge stop-losses.

Baltic Dry Index is still indicating the worldwide recession is entrenched.

Stock market update:
Asian Stock markets were down again last night. China down -0.9%, Hong Kong down –1%, India down –1.5%, Seoul down –1.6%, and Japan down -1.5%.

European markets are down today in a range of 0.4% to –1.2% half way through their day.

American market futures are down about -1% in after hour trading at 7 AM EST.

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