Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Jan 23 Once again the administration hype of this past year was not just false but also misleads and damages businesses. It does damage to American corporations who need the truth to plan and make a profit. Obama hype flushes US prosperity right out of the economy. Those who used Obama’s highly creative numbers for planning or buying stocks lost quite a bit. UPS express shares tumbled after admitting they grossly overestimated Christmas demand again this past year based on administration high GDP growth estimates. The same downward GDP revisions happened last year. We can expect many more poor reports due to inaccurate government economic data. More 40 hr week jobs will be lost as a result. More part time helpers will be hired and later fired. Times will get tougher until we elect a competent government that truly understands that corporations, especially smaller growing companies create most of the jobs that create national wealth.

Government consumes wealth even when it sometimes directs it toward research into new and better energy sources such as controlled nuclear fusion or fracking.  Guess what?  Obama, Hilary, and most Libtards in general support neither fusion nor fracking!  And when money was mandated in 2008 to repair “shovel ready” infrastructure, almost none of it went to infrastructure.   In blue states more went to new auditoriums and swimming pools for schools than for bridges and pipelines combined.  See if your blue state was an exception.  The reason for that is because the blue states had no comprehensive plans ready in time. 


Just a little more on the French free educational system.   

In France, K-5 is taught in every little town.   Their college (collège, our middle school) is taught in larger towns around the cities so that the students from villages are introduced to perhaps up to five times as many students. 

Their Lycee (our high school) is taught in the local major city.  For instance in towns near Toulouse, all the lycee students take the bus to and from Toulouse every day so that their high schools (lycees) approach the size and curriculum on our larger community colleges.  


About 15% of their population is offered the opportunity of a free university education.  Only a few percent have the opportunity to attend the best universities which are located in Paris.  And of course the brightest children of the leaders and the wealthy have private tutors and have the best chance of attending the best universities.  Ignorant American Libtards want to waste the time and talent of 100% of students so that more libtard teachers and professors can be hired and spread their ideas.  Good students have to humor the Libtards to get A’s.  Obama fit right in yet he still has his university applications and grades sealed by a court order so that Americans can not see that he initially claimed he was a foreign student just as another well known Massachusetts libtard claimed she was a Native American.

The greatest problem with our American educational system is that every child is forced into a system where about 50% of them become dissatisfied and have difficulty leading productive lives.  Many wealthy America Libtards love fields like art and sociology and they get through the American system and still cannot find jobs in their fields they become angry with the American system.  Our system produces too many unemployable people who have few useful intellectual and manual skills.  In Europe they show much greater respect for trained skilled workers.  And with a broad education and less spending on welfare, the breakdown in the European family does not vary as much across ethnic groups the way it does in American cities.   The public education system promoted in the USA by Libtards is most detrimental to black students for whom the benefit is very little.   That causes their high dropout rate.   The failed libtard educational system provides little in trade skills, business skills, and financial skills much less study skills.


Jan 22   I don’t like the name calling, and the illegal harassment that the Obama administration has introduced into politics.  Gun running, IRS abuses and name calling have gone on too long in the White House.  Last week the Wall Street Journal saw it was time to shift the name “Stupid Party” to the White House to let them see the truth.  They are now Dixon Diazs’s libtards of the Stupid Party.


Obama’s idea to of free community college education is absurd, wasteful, and shows the depth of ignorance permeating the White House.  We need to provide business and trade skills for people who do not like academic work so they will no longer drop out of school.  The ignorance of those who have advised President Obama is simply astounding.  Today Larry Summers was interviewed by Joe Kernan and he claimed that the older part of the French labor force are better off than Americans.  That is true only if we think that a thirty five hour work week starting with five weeks annual vacation and retiring after nine weeks annual vacation is consistent with a good labor force.  I know to most Americans that five weeks starting vacation sounds ridiculous and therefore they think I must be mistaken.  But I was assigned to and worked in France for almost three years and my four children succeeded completely in the French educational system.  It is true, people in France think Americans are naïve and they say Americans live to work but, “We in France work to live.”   But more importantly most Americans are erroneously told that Europeans get a much better academic education.  That is not true. Most Europeans however get a much better business trade education.  Most Europeans are as ignorant about our educational differences as Americans are of theirs. 


Only the top 15% of French children, mostly children of the most affluent, get access to a top free public university education.  And what the French and other European countries name the different school levels would make ignorant Americans like Larry Summers think their education is much better than an American education. 


The French have an elementary education that goes to grade 5.   It is very similar to America’s grade K-5 education.   French College is grades 6, 7, 8, 9 and it is essentially American Middle School.   Immediately you can see how ignorant American educators could become confused because almost everyone in France goes to College which is America’s middle school and fewer than 50% of American’s go to American College where in America, “College” and “University” are used synonymously. 


But what Larry Summers and most Educators are most ignorant about is the fact that most Europeans go to trade schools and do not finish the equivalent of our American high school.  To get into the French Lycee, the equivalent of an American high school, an examination is taken.  Based on exams and vocational aptitude, 25% of the French students are admitted to their high school (French Lycee grades 10, 11, 12).    Finally, only 15% of all the children who started in the school system pass a final exam and can go to the free University. 


Don’t get me wrong, socialist countries have fine educational systems and France has one of the best in the world.  25% of their entire population has the equivalent of a free American High School education and only about 15% have a free University education.  Most people there are trained in trades and business and that is one of the reasons they have such skilled factory labor forces.  In Germany they cultivate their labor force which is far more intelligent and competent because they are trained in professions.


Our Libtard politicians and educators for the most part never stepped foot outside of America or experienced life abroad and since they all seem to hate the fact they are Libtards, they hate America.  In America we now have many community colleges filled with students who should have been in trade schools not high schools to begin with.  They could be machine and computer savvy, they could know bookkeeping, accounting and business law and then would be productive, skilled, and proud in their jobs. 

Obama’s idea to of free community college education is both absurd and wasteful.  We need to provide skills for people who can not do academic work.  Libtards are the failures of our failed educational system who have not learned to coherently think for themselves.

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