Saturday, April 11, 2015

On Friday the DJIA was the only exchange that looked like they reported the correct volume of trades. Most exchanges reported low volumes off by a factor of six. When things get that bad you begin to wonder if the stock market is just a rigged show where investors are teased to buy stocks and the thieves behind the curtain manipulate the prices to maximize the fleecing of the public. The New York Stock Exchange volume was recently half of what it was reported in 2009. But now several exchanges reported even much lower volumes. On Friday it must have been a mistake because NYSE was about 9% of 2009 daily volume. The NYSE, Nasdaq, Russell, SandP were the exchanges affected. The data was still bogus April 14. Even the sources are bogus. How can anyone believe this stock market is real when we alone are still the only ones to notice so much trading data was bogus on April 10?

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