Tuesday, September 22, 2015

September 26 The readership of this blog must be quite vast. Please pass on this blog to others. The political socialist meatheads are now frustrated and are quitting. We even recently pointed out how IPO gimmicks have driven stock and drug prices into the stratosphere and later this week the Biotech’s took a big stock market hit. We recently pointed out the cowardice of Yellen and the Fed’s lost opportunity to re-establish interest rates as a useful anti-recession monetary policy and then later this week Yellen apologized for the FED cowardice. But unfortunately it is too little too late.

Another shutdown of the Obama federal government’s socialist zoo is likely over his insistence on Federal funding of infanticide and Planned Parenthood’s harvesting of the fresh baby parts for sale to the rich Democrat Liberals and Socialists who are the only ones who can pay for them.  We have very sick socialists not true liberals like our Founding Fathers running the American Republic, and Americans in increasing numbers want to take away their control of our government. 
            Americans are learning that Hitler and Stalin are faces on the two sides of the same socialist coin.  Hitler was a National Socialist dictator, a crony capitalist socialist who exploited capitalism to rapidly increase wealth and national power.  Stalin was an International Socialist dictator who incompetently and maliciously killed more of his own people than he conquered.   England’s and India’s democratic socialism is a slow "Libtard" paralyzing form of the socialist disease that ultimately leads to a totalitarian state that attempts to control everyone until it too collapses or is reborn as a democratic republic.   
           Hilary Clinton’s favored society is the earliest and most primitive form of tribal socialism and polygamy.  Since no one knows who the fathers are, all children and women are treated and abused the same.  That is why Hilary says it takes a tribe to raise a child.  These are the idiots that free thinking socialists have elected to office.  They became so open minded that their brains fell out.  That is why they are so stupid they even keep America’s classified material on their home computers.
            September 25    The best economic news Obama could put forth this week is that housing is doing the best it has done since Obama took office.  That is down about 16% from when he took office which was already 40% down from the high.  Yellen finally has realized that the do-nothing FED is beginning to spread the fear that it is already too late to raise interest rates to regain control of the economy.  We are now pushing on the proverbial string.  That is what happens with mindless socialist crony capitalism. 
            How many chairmen and chairwomen did Obama and the Stupid-party get to appoint when Obama took over GM; six?  Then he sued GM later after GM went private and they identified the faulty ignition switch that was put in by one of Obama’s crony appointees.   The Stupid-party also drove out the chairman who built Bank of America because he, Ken Lewis, resisted “stupid-party” political pressure.  Then Obama put in a politician who has done little but follow Obama’s orders.  That is why crony socialism does not work and Bank of America has gone nowhere.  The whole stock market is now a financial panic waiting to happen.
September 22    Here is how the Obama/Clinton stupid party has destroyed the American Dream and what we need to do to prevent an Obama/Clinton Great Depression.     Obviously this takes at least a book to explain.  One paragraph attempts to show only how a “brainless” climate allows stupidity to flourish.  In an effort to broaden their appeal so that they can buy the votes of the downtrodden the “Stupid Party” has advocated here at home in the USA the dumbest and most inhumane religious and philosophical theories of the worlds most over populated failed cultures.  They have welcomed the ideas of those tribal fatherless peoples to destroy the enlightened Western World.   Hilary wrote a book on it!  They are so stupid they think it takes a tribe, not two faithful parents to raise a child.  They have dumbed down the universities with their dumb stupid-party professors.  They then dumbed down the high schools and created a dropout underclass by removing academic tests that expose and thus deter ignorance.  They penalized common sense and subsidized stupidity by eliminating the safety net for two parent families and instead they subsidize only irresponsibility by giving unlimited child-based welfare to single women who are not equipped to raise a family of four or five self sufficient children who could then break out of poverty. 
            They have created and high-cost economy by Obama’s crappy care because Obama’s stupid party system spreads stupidity with it.  It allows companies to waste money and then capitalize all the waste in a single IPO.  For instance Company A develops a drug for $1 million, borrows $10 Billion and gives its owners stock and high salaries.  Then it sells itself in an IPO for $1Trillion.  The new owner then values of the drug one million times more expensive than it cost to create.  And the Obama/Clinton stupid party accepts the inflated price and the American taxpayer has to pay it under Obama’s crappy care.  The American economy is now on the verge of collapse.
            That brainless political party has done the same abroad.  Russia is now expanding again into the Mideast.  The Free-World is now being over run by the brainless who bring with them totalitarianism and violence and insane religious laws.  The Obama administration just threw a soldier out of the army because he slugged an Afghan policeman that he caught raping a little boy.
            The stock market is now on the verge of imploding because valuations of corporations are now as fictitious as the valuations of the new expensive drugs.  It has been made possible through IPOs which incorrectly value a corporation at whatever price a stupid buyer will pay.   The FED directors were stupid because they themselves have publicly undermined the economy by not raising rates thus telling anyone who can reason that the FED knows they would be blamed when the economy implodes.  That says the FED itself is now predicting an economic collapse.  And in this pandemonium created by the “Stupid Party” all Americans are vulnerable due to electronic theft and the fact we have a cashless society dependent entirely on vulnerable electronic banking.
            Existing Home Sales Aug 5.31M down sharply from 5.59M in July. 
Retail Sales Aug 0.2% down from 0.6% last month.
NY Empire state Manufacturing Sep -14.7 down again after -14.9 last month.
Industrial Production Aug -0.4% sharply lower from 0.6% last month.
MBA Mortgage Index 09/12 -7.0% down from -6.2% last month.
CPI Aug -0.1% down from 0.1% last month.           
Housing Starts Aug 1126K down from 1206K last month.
            Moynihan of Bank of America was installed by Obama after the stupid party harassed Ken Lewis out because he resisted the stupid-party when they forced the bank to absorb the failed corrupt Countrywide Corporation.  Now BOA is the poorest performing big bank in America.
            How do we solve the problem?  The Stupid Party and their philosophy must to be ejected by the American people in the coming elections.  Very soon most Americans will realize what a mistake it was to take the path of third world tribal thinking of the Clintons and Obama.

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