Monday, February 1, 2016

2/4/2016 The DJI, Nasdaq, and S&P are all testing their price breakdown lows again. On a cash flow basis they had already broken down on January 7. The NYSE and Russell 2000 had broken down both on a price and cash flow basis on January 7. This final DJI, NASDAQ, and S&P price breakdown will trigger the last major selloff we have been anticipating. The final sequence of the market drop is close at hand. This is the third breakdown attempt. The first two market attempts were Jan 21 and 27.

2/3/2016  The Obama-Hillary administration has been a foreign policy and a national disaster with security breaches.  Corruption and unconstitutional retaliation using IRS, Justice Department, NSA and other government agencies has never been worse in American history.  Demand for commercial and industrial loans has plunged as we enter 2016.   Large and midsized businesses already suffered a 11.1 percent decline, while demand from small businesses fell 12.7 percent.  Friday's report showing that gross domestic product grew at just a 0.7 percent annual rate in the fourth quarter dashed all hopes for economic liftoff.  “Paul Ashworth, chief U.S. economist at Capital Economics, put it this way.  "Furthermore, banks reported that the weakness in demand for loans from businesses was primarily because the latter were scaling back their investment plans," he added. "That suggests any rebound in investment in equipment in the first half of this year (2016) will be muted at best. With the mining, manufacturing and agriculture sectors all hurting, we hadn't expected much from business investment this year, but the drop off in loan demand is worse than we would have expected." 
          The stock market is trembling in fear and poised for what we expect will be the largest market decline of the Obama-Hillary legacy of incompetence, stupidity, and corruption.   That should end with a partial market recovery as Americans look forward to throwing the current administration out in November.
       2/1/2016   Government data showed how tepid global growth is exposing anew the fact that the nation's long and sluggish recovery has ended.  And consumer confidence never even achieved the pre-“stupid party” era before Obama-Hillary.  Factory orders continue to contract.
            The stock markets are still hovering over the January decline awaiting the next plunge as a world wide depression threatens all markets and trade.  The Donald Trump phenomenon is the only hope now that corrupt repressive socialist stupidity could be erased next year.  But this year is still looking like even more of the Obama-Isis-Clinton chaos in the world and American economy.

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