Friday, February 5, 2016

Feb 12 2015 All the five major indices we follow have now broken down and have given sell signals in both their price and cash flows. The DJI was the last to fall.

        One of the turning points in the 2012 presidential campaign was when Republican nominee Mitt Romney privately said that 47 percent of the population -- supporters of President Barack Obama -- were people who are "dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe that government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it."  He was correct but it was not politically correct and unfortunately Romney lacked the courage to have the data documented to prove the point.  “PunditFact” a “stupidparty” offshoot not only proved Romney’s point but Louis Jacobson, in his effort to discredit Romney shows how the situation actually is now much worse.  Slowly welfare is creeping in everywhere with socialized education and medicine.  Thus children, seniors, and individuals in many working families are also receiving welfare since the “stupid party” took over.
“PunditFact” posted, “Just because you’re receiving means-tested (welfare) benefits doesn’t mean you’re not working. According to 2012 Census Bureau data, roughly 23 percent of households with at least one working adult received means-tested benefits.
For Medicaid, 28 percent of recipients between the ages of 18 and 64, worked full time, according to the Census Bureau. (Another 15 percent of recipients in that age group worked part time.)
Other means-tested benefits show considerable overlap with the population of working adults. Roughly 60 percent of food stamp recipients who were of working age and weren’t disabled were employed while receiving benefits, according to a Census Bureau sample calculated by the liberal Center for Budget and Policy Priorities.”
  Instead of discrediting Mitt Romney, PunditFact proves that the spread of welfare is much worse than Mitt Romney said.  Almost all American families are now partially on the dole today with some sort of aid, scholarship, training, medical, senior or other program.  It is called creeping socialism and it can destroy any economy.  The socialist cure for poverty actually is a creeping contagion of self pity and resentment that drops the entire population into a state of “equality of poverty.”  That is why the Soviet Union collapsed and why the replacement of socialism in the USSR and China with free-enterprise has revived all them and other former communist socialist nations.  That is why Obama’s “stupid party” welfare has destroyed the American economy just as it is destroying the most socialist of European economies.  The American cure is to give the entire Obama-Hillary “stupid party” the boot so that the market economy can re-boot and investments will flourish again.   Socialism is the root cause of the Obama-Hillary induced American.  Giving socialism the boot this year is why Trump and 15 other candidates saw an opportunity in running for President.

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