Wednesday, January 21, 2009

America, the land of lowered expectations

Wall Street sent President Obama another message.
"Stop using the word depression or investors will have one."
"Stop setting our nation’s expectations so low."

The message was not as severe as the message Wall Street sent Obama last November. But apparently the Obama media blamed that message on the previous administration so Wall Street sent him another message yesterday.

The Obama people still do not know that depressions are psychological in both people and in economies. Depressions are the result of feelings of hopelessness and loss of control over one’s destiny. The Obama media and staff must have never read about FDR and how things only got worse with his socialist measures but FDR came through in the end with his messages of hope. The Obama people would rather set expectations low, but good expectations are what give people hope. So in effect low expectations destroy our capacity to succeed.

Wall Street said "no" yesterday to the new concept of “America the world victimizer nation consisting of a victimized population run by a victimized federal administration.

The American markets gave the Obama administration a dismal -4% no vote for the healing nation of victim’s speeches and clearly etched lack of hope or direction.

Most of Asian markets gave them a -2% no vote last night with China down only 0.46%.

Most of Europe seems headed for a -2% no vote today based on early trading.

Ok, we are very close to the December resistance levels and could bounce any time now. We still would have a ways to fall before we hit the “Obama sell-off” level of last November. At present we should have about 27 business days to cherry pick back out of the market during the bounce. You will recall we recommended only investments in very high dividend stocks and emerging markets, and in particular those ETFs with investments in China; nothing speculative. Financials could go to zero even as the economy turn’s around because stock holders are being stripped of equity and banks are becoming worth more dead than alive.

Market...Yesterday.... November’s Bottom ..December’s Bottom
DJI .........7949 ..............7392.............................8072
NASDQ....1441 ..............1295.............................1398
S&P..........805 ................741...............................815.7

Good luck on your investment journey

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