Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Sept 19 China will inevitably be discovered as the benificiary of all these cyber attacks seeking purchaser and supplier confidential information. Alibaba is a great copycat company. They just took about $20Billion of American wealth in their IPO. They will destroy Home Depot and Target and Amazon very early because they are building a delivery system that will conquer or acquire UPS and make a delivery system to bring their products to our door at about half our current costs. Home Depot released details of the massive cyber breach incident on Thursday. The roughly 56 million payment cards confirmed to have been compromised is bigger than the infamous 2013 attack on Target that breach impacted 40 million cards.

Sept 18   The new September high in the DOW has not yet been confirmed on a market cash flow basis.   Volume has been higher on declines than on recent price rises.  The broader marker indicators have not even hit new highs.  The DOW is always the last refuge of investors before a bear market sets in.  The scenario for the coming end of the bull market is still in play.  

The Death of Money discusses the economic problems America will face if we continue in the direction Obama and other socialists prefer.  Ultimately the socialists seek to abolish competition.  Socialism is more of a religion that an economic system.  That is why extremely religious people and especially terrorists tend to embrace socialism.
Sept 17  there are two international signs that the equities markets are at the top.  First Sony, once the world leader in home electronics has had to cut its dividend for the first time since 1958 and market makers are in hype mode saying it is time to buy the copycat do-it-all patent violator… Alibaba.
No one forecast the collapse of the Dot Com market in 2000 that was built on Alibaba type hype and off the books debts, not income let alone profits. 
No one predicted the Dodd-Frank-Obama liar loan mortgage derivatives collapse in 2008 from which we still have not recovered.  We are one of the few who predicted this economic liar-loan recession would have no end as long as Quantitative Easing was used to depress economic growth like a narcotic drug that removes the pain but leaves the user addicted and broke.  We pointed out from the beginning that Japan started QE in 1990 and immediately began their continuous slide into economic oblivion.
Sept 16   As we predicted weeks ago what hedge funds would do, the WSJ now reports that hedge funds are beginning to given up using hedging.  We reported that in an irrationally exuberant market like what we have today there is no benefit in distinguishing good growing companies from below average companies and shorting the below average while buying the growing companies.  That is because it eventually good stocks are so overpriced that the below average companies become relative bargains and play catch-up to maintain the same relative price relationship they had when prices were low.  At that point the index funds stand out and the stocks within the indexes are bought making it virtually impossible for anyone to beat the indices.  Right now the DOW and the Nasdaq are about 10% more overpriced than the overall market.  That happens in every peak hyperactive cash flush market.  That is why the indices stocks plunge 60% in bear markets before the cycle repeats itself. 
The bull market consists of sub cycles that are three to four months long and interim cycles that are a year or more long.  It is usually at the beginning of the interim cycles that the price catches up of the poorer stocks take place.  That is why near the peak the small cap (risky) stocks make their final surge and then they lead the overall market into the next bear market.  The DOW was, and the Nasdaq now tends to be the last index to give a sell signal for the bear market.  
(CNSNews.com) - "This is what happens at the end of wars," President Barack Obama said Tuesday when he was asked about swapping American Army deserter. Bowe Bergdahl for five dangerousTaliban terrorists.  "That was true for George Washington, that was true for Abraham Lincoln, that was true for FDR. That's been true of every combat situation, that at some point, you make sure that you try to get your folks back. And that's the right thing to do."
But what is so stupid about what the most powerful man in the World and 2 term President of the United States said is it shows he lacks even a first grade level of knowledge of American History.  There was no president of the USA until several years after the American Revolution so and an American Constitution was first written.   Abraham Lincoln was assassinated in mid April of 1865. The Civil War ended the following month. He was still dead at that time so he made no deals to exchange prisoners after the war. All prisoners were simply freed. Finally FDR died of a stroke before the end of WWII. You'll recall that Harry S. Truman ended World War II. We made no deals for American prisoners we went in and released them.  The greatest ignorance of this clueless president is demonstrated by the way he managed to surround himself with a staff that is just as clueless as he is and allows him to make such ignorant statements. 
World Economy
Sept 19   India recovers some of the recent market loss as imports decline improving the balance of payments.
Sept 18   The International Swaps & Derivatives Association said it postponed the overhaul to the $18 trillion credit derivatives market in more than a decade for fear investors do not know what is coming.  New rules governing credit-default swaps will take effect Oct. 6 rather than Sept. 22. The changes seek to fix flaws in sovereign and bank insurance that prevented some contracts from paying out as was intended since the Liar-Loan financial crisis.   As part of the overhaul, the list of events triggering swaps is being expanded to include bail-ins, where investors will be forced by regulators or governments to contribute to bank rescues. The new definitions also insure against debt write downs, bond exchanges or conversions of debt into equity which monetize the loss so that it becomes a credit or expansion in the reserves.  The entire Quantitative Easing program monetized the Liar-Loan defaults to enable the worthless mortgages to be used to back the expanded American money supply so that America could buy up American debt an compete with international investors and thus artificially cap the interest on American foreign debt.  When this “QE smoke and mirrors” process ends, interest rates on American debt will rise and force up all American interest rates.   The delay will “enable market participants and infrastructure providers to make the necessary operational and infrastructure changes and to allow a smooth adoption of the new definitions with minimal impact on markets,” ISDA said in the statement.
Sept 17  China, the most authoritarian thief and censor of personal and public information in the world and the most inclined to steal other nation’s personal and national economic information is launching Alibaba, possibly the most viable snooping platform China has invented.  Yet free-world investment advisors are pumping it up and providing the capital for the communists to do it.  We expect it will end up robbing naïve American investors blind and perhaps signal the next economic crisis. 
Alibaba is a copy cat scam.  It is like the Chinese communist Intelligence and Espionage agency running the free world’s economic system called free enterprise.  Its first business was alibaba.com in 1999 a website to help communist exporters in China (and other countries) connect with product importers in over 190 free-enterprise countries around the world.  The system allows a business in America to find a manufacturer in China and have a range of goods produced and shipped.  It also owns taobao.com, China's largest shopping website, and tmall.com, which offers to export to Americans a wide selection of cheap goods currently bought by China's emerging middle class.  It also runs the online payment system alipay.com, which copies PayPal.  Almost all its technology is created from stolen knockoffs of American technology.  For instance it has China's version of Twitter, and online video similar to YouTube.  It claims it offers online marketing, cloud computing and a logistics operations. It recently bought a controlling stake in a second rate film business and 50% of China's new unknown football club.  Finally, it has plans to enter the banking industry and run the whole world’s system of capitalism.  Ha Ha!  If you believe this hype, go buy Alibaba.
Sept 16 
The conflict in Ukraine will take years to resolve, rattling Russia’s investment climate and threatening to push its economy into recession at the current level of sanctions, former Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said.
“It’s no quick task to resolve the situation in the southeast of Ukraine,” Kudrin said today at a conference organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Moscow. Finding a solution will require two to three years “at a minimum” under what he called an “optimistic scenario.”
If you look at Germany where the people have perhaps the strongest work ethic in the world, their stock market has topped out too but their trend is upward only because the dollar is continually weakening.
Obama’s incompetence gave the FED the opportunity to cripple free enterprise the same way socialist Japan did in 1990.  Japan has never recovered.  Japan’s stock market appears to have topped again and begun a new decline. It has declined since 1990 when it began Quantitative Easing because their Yen is dropping faster than the dollar.
The French market is only about 60% of what it was fourteen years ago. At it most recent highs it is still is still down 50% from 2008 and down 60% from 2000.
The Swiss market still indicates stagnation since 2007. It has hit the highs of 2003 but could not make it to the highs of 2007. Obama has destroyed Swiss banking by attacking Swiss confidentiality that had protected people from the Hitlers and Stalins of the past.
American Economy
…has been stagnant since the liberal socialists took office.  Their Quantitative Easing was invented by the Japanese liberal socialists and put into effect in 1990.  Their economy has been stagnating ever since.  You would think liberal socialists could learn from their mistakes but they never do.
Sep 15
Empire Manufacturing Sep 27.5 up from 14.7  This is Blasio nonsense and completely inconsistent with the next four economic indicators.
Industrial Production Aug -0.1% down from 0.4%
Capacity Utilization Aug 78.8% down from 79.2%
Sep 16
PPI Aug 0.0% down from 0.1% --
Core PPI Aug 0.1% down from 0.2% 
Net Long-Term TIC Flows Jul -$18.6B flat from -$18.7B
Sep 17
MBA Mortgage Index 09/13 +7.9% rebound from -7.2% 
This does not compute.  It probably should be zero plus zero which gives the same net result.
CPI Aug -0.2% deflationary 0.1% --
Core CPI Aug 0.0% neutral 0.1%
Current Account Balance Q2 -$98.5B improved from -$111.2B++
NAHB Housing Market Index Sep 59 improved from 55 seasonal and contradictory
FOMC Rate Decision Sep 0.25% shows their fear 0.25% -
Sep 18
AM Initial Claims 09/13 280K down slightly 315K +
Continuing Claims 09/06 2429K more stop working 2487K ---
Housing Starts Aug 956K down sharply 1093K--  contradicts the good housing news
AM Building Permits Aug 998K down 1052K--  contradicts the good housing news
Philadelphia Fed Sep - 15 sharply worse from 28.0  -- show unreliable Obama data
Philadelphia Fed Sep 22.5 15 23.5 28.0 --
Sep 19
Leading Indicators Aug 0.2%  sharply down from 1.1%
The Markets
Sept 19   Volume on the market advances has been low.  Hold on to your seats.  The next few weeks could be interesting.
Sept 18   The Market Cash Flow says 30% of the most recent rise is on hot air, not cash flow, and therefore the market needs to go that much higher to confirm if the bull market is in place. If the market has topped out again as suspected, then it just means we have been given more time to withdraw and to begin shorting the market. 
Sept 17  Still no sell signal, but still there has been no confirmation of the bull market.  So far this month has definitely been anemic.
Sept 16 
Our market cash flow shows 30% greater weakness than the three market price indices.  The second shoulder formations are beginning in the broader indices, the DOW, and small cap stocks.  They have peaked tending to confirm last months technical predictions that the market would peak near the beginning of September.  Compare the bell  weather DOW and the broad NYSE for the last six months and see it you think they have formed a top.  The smaller selective technology indices tend to trail the overall market. 
The Stock market is now cash driven not value driven.  The cash in-flow is out of control.  When one asset becomes inflated it is used as the basis for loans or in many cases the inflated buy-out offers for other assets driving up prices and debt.  While bank leverage is limited often to less than 20:1 the leverage of corporations becomes unlimited because the asset prices themselves have no regulation limits.  As soon as cash flow begins to contract the house of cards will collapse and the FED knows that and is so terrified it has been trapped like Japan was back in 1990.  Look at the Japanese stock market since 1990 to see what America now has in store. 
 Look at the volatility index and you see complacency and that the market could fall much faster when volume gets back to normal. This market has little volume or volatility.  So when volume picks up suddenly, past history says the market usually plunges.  That is not a good moment in time for holding equities.
 World market updates:

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