Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Dec 17, 2015 The market seems to be about to begin the second decline which will likely be slightly worse than the August 24 tumult with most of it occurring in January. Oil stocks are now the most heavily shorted sector in the stock market so we expect they will bottom first and rise early next spring. Gold should stay flat lined until inflation starts to kick in. We still anticipate there will be yet a third and final market panic for the rest of the market in the spring when the house of leveraged cards will finally collapse completely. Already the intelligent investors are getting into cash or going short. There is also always a large group that overextend on the short side and they will collapse and create most of the rallies in between the cascading two major declines we expect before the financial markets stabilize next year.

            The entire politically correct “stupid party” slate is about as popular in debate as are the bottom four GOP candidates who get incredibly low viewer ratings.  The politically correct media tries their best to support the incompetent Obama and politically correct “stupid party” but are failing.   Even Putin agrees the incumbent “stupid party” leaders are incredibly incompetent.  Stupid people demand political correctness because they know they are stupid and deserve to be told the truth and driven out of public office.  The professors at Harvard included one who got her professorship by lying and claiming she was a minority Cherokee Indian.  Most college professors are dunces who could not get jobs in private industry and are so slow they need plenty of vacation time to think about what they are doing.  Consequently the stupidity of students has also been growing with the government subsidies to keep the professors employed with grants and the students preoccupied with date rape and “political correctness” instead of study and critical thinking.
             Dec 16, 2015   The bear market remains intact after several year end rallies that have all failed.  All five major indices that we follow have failed to reach the summer highs and have maintained their sell signals.  The broadest indices are the most bearish.  The Nasdaq is least bearish.
           Bill Ackman continues to stumble since MBI.  MBI is down 93% since 2007.  Bill unfortunately recently bought into the drug companies at the highs before the collapse and he shorted Herbalife just before Carl Icahn bought in and gave Bill another haircut.
         The GOP debate yesterday shows promise that the brightest candidates will be united.  The S.C.  GOP candidate truly belongs in the “stupid party”.  Donald Trump rose further in popularity to 42% of the field that is divided between 10 viable candidates after Trump said that immigration of Moslems should be halted until Obama puts them through valid background checks.  Only the “stupid party” thinks background checks are discriminatory.  Indeed background checks discriminate against terrorists and the “stupid party” is not smart enough to realize that most Americans want to discriminate against terrorists.
         It is amazing that while Jimmy Carter was in office the best and brightest environmentalists predicted that the world would run out of oil by the year 2000.  Environmental pseudo-science is now flooded with the dumbest students of all the sciences.   And they are virtually all members of the “stupid party”.  Today there is such a glut of oil that oil is cheaper than it was under Jimmy Carter the environmentalist peanut farmer president who the “stupid party” claimed was a competent nuclear engineer.  That just shows how far colleges have had to be dumbed down to give degrees to environmentalists and other members of the “stupid party”.  The “stupid party” appears to be the party of dummies.
        Dec 15, 2015   The IPO spree has used low interest rates to waste 75%% or more of borrowed money by overpaying for acquired corporations so that the corrupt corporation insiders can legally walk off with the banks money that is guaranteed by American taxpayers.   For example Gilt Inc was overpriced by 300% a few years ago when markup fraud was prevalent and now that the farce has been exposed, Hudson Bay has bought it for 25 cents on the dollar.  The bubble economy of the Obama Administration has been entirely based on corruption of the entire administration and its regulators.  The investment bubble is now popping and is why the stock market and economy are in decline.  The thieves are treated by the press as deal makers and the buyers as sophisticated investors until the banks take possession and then American taxpayers have to bail out the banks.
         More and more US firms are now using creative accounting to hide revenue decline and losses as they try to maintain their bubble level stock prices.  This is reminiscent of when the dotcom bubble broke at the end of the Clinton administration which was just as incompetent and corrupt as the Obama administration.  But the Clintons were also responsible for the deaths of many innocent Americans, and the rise of NAMBLA.  According to the Newsmax publication, O'Reilly has repeatedly claimed that Clinton had the Internal Revenue Service audit him.   O'Reilly says that he was audited three times just like Obama audited thousands of his “believed” political opponents.
          There is finally a Moslem reform movement starting in the USA led by a brave Moslem woman who was not afraid to show her face and hair on the Judge Jeanine program last week.    They advocate Moslems adopt the western freedoms that even women and non Moslems have in the West.  It comes at a time when the free world is getting a bit pissed off at Islamic infidel terrorists who worship the devil, beat their women, and rape children down to the age of nine.   Fear of a terrorist attack shut down the LA school system today.

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