Friday, December 18, 2015

Dec 24, 2015 United States domestic shale oil production at a real cost of less than $40 per barrel has nearly doubled over the last six years, pushing out foreign oil. The plunging crude oil prices are now bankrupting the Moslem, socialist, and communist nations putting many of the United States' adversaries under great stress. The socialist and Moslem nations have been gouging the free democracies for decades using a cartel to limit production, so the oil that costs the cartel less than $20/barrel to produce had been selling over $105 per barrel. South American communist and socialist dictators are being ousted, Cuba is now a friend, and Putin is becoming a rational world leader. This is all happening in spite of the incompetence of the Obama administration that up to this time has been clueless to this change. But this blog is read by several hundred democrats who sometimes go viral and pass on the information. Then we can expect the incompetent “stupid party” will claim it was Obama’s “intelligent” foreign policy not cheap American oil that changed the situation. But Americans are a lot smarter now and want someone like Trump who has consistently supported fracking, coal burning, and the Canadian pipeline all of which the “stupid party” vehemently still oppose.

           Instead the stupid party hurts the American economy and coal is exported to China where they even don’t bother to remove the pollutants before their coal or oil combustion products enter the atmosphere.   If we had clean coal burning, China would have less coal and would be forced to use cleaner fuels.
            Instead the “stupid party” subsidizes solar panels which cost more energy to produce and recycle than they make in their less than ten year average life cycle.  The fools who buy the panels think they are smart until they have leaks, low output, and the roof starts to rot.  Then it costs them an average or $25000 to get rid of them and repair the roof.  Then they hate the businesses that took advantage of them not the “stupid party” that taxed them to pay for the subsidy.   They voted for the “stupid party” because though they are stupid they actually think they are smart because they got a socialist subsidy.  Any time the government has to subsidize consumers it is a clear indication that the product is less than worthless.  That’s right it means the “stupid party” costs taxpayers and consumers more than anything they subsidize is worth.  Nothing they have to subsidize is worth the cost, inconvenience, ugly deteriorated installations, damage, and the removal, repair, and recycling costs.
            After two years of falling prices, the effects have reverberated across the globe, fueling economic discontent in Venezuela, changing Russia's economic and political calculations and dampening Iranian leaders' hopes of a financial windfall when sanctions linked to its nuclear program will be lifted next year.
       Trump should announce that any illegal alien who tries to vote illegally will be deported and never allowed back into the USA.  This warning is needed because the “stupid party” helps register illegal immigrants to vote.  Anyone illegally in the USA who commits the crime of illegally voting or helping others in that crime should be deported never allowed citizenship.  Just one generation ago all American criminals in prison were denied the right to vote as part of the punishment while serving time for their crimes.  He already promised to make the “stupid party” sanctuary cities for criminals illegal in the USA.
         Dec 21, 2015    Sales of existing homes fell sharply in November to its lowest pace in 19 months, according to the National Association of Realtors. Sales fell 10.5% on a seasonally adjusted basis to an annualized rate of 4.76 million.  That is lower than it was in 2013 and 2007.
         The WSJ quickly went back to the short period 65dma market averages about which data always tracks and which hides the market buy and sell signals.  It will be interesting to see what they do when the market hits its low next year.  Will they hide the 200dma buy signal the way they hide the 200dma sell signal?
         Now Hilary is lying saying Donald Trump is being used by ISIS to insight riots Islamic terrorism against Americans.   Hilary also lied when she also blamed a Jewish film for the death of an American ambassador.   Hilary lied when she said the Benghazi attack on the Libyan embassy was caused by the following movie which the administration foolishly advertized to deflect criticism of the fact that American embassies were incompetently left unguarded that year on the anniversary of 9-11.  The riots and the attack actually occurred because Hilary and Obama had the leader of Libya killed and left a power vacuum.  Hilary lied and denied that American Jewish movie maker of his American rights and freedom.  Clinton is in an ISIS video!
Dec 21, 2015    We have pointed out for several months that the WSJ optimistically distorts the market by showing the least reliable indices such as the Nasdaq, DJI, and S&P with 65 day moving averages and never showing the broader NYSE or Russell 2000 and seldom showing the Nasdaq, DJI, and S&P except with optimistic 65 dma’s.  And whenever they dare to show the 200 dma’s with the DJI and S&P it is usually followed by a steep stock market decline because even though the DJI and S&P are cherry picked indices the 200dma at least tells the truth that we are already in a severe bear market.   Well today in section “C” the WSJ showed the 200dma’s again and will likely trigger the second of the three major declines we have predicted since the major broader indices said the market was topping out the end of last year.  Since October of this year the high end has also topped out and the WSJ has hid that using the 65dma.  But today they are broadcasting the bear market is here so we expect the uninformed to be shocked and they are the majority of the market.  Hence, we expect the second leg down to become clearer today and most of the losses are yet to come.  But there should yet be the final market bottom coming in a few months.  So hang on to your seats for a rocky ride.
         Dec 19, 2015    Dig just a little and you discover that the underemployment rate is still at an unacceptable 12%to 18%, wages are stagnant, debt levels are high, 76% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and 15% of Americans are on food stamps.   This is actually the best of all times since the incompetent Obama government by and for the “stupid party” began.   But the second Obama recession has already started this past October, two months before the FED said it would begin raising rates in January.   The Institute for Supply Management in December showed that for October the PMI manufacturing index was 48.6 percent, a decrease of 1.5% from the previous month and the first month of contraction in three years.  A similar contraction occurred at the beginning of the Obama recession after which it plunged to 35.  Growth is anything above 50, and a complete economic collapse is zero.    Raising rates now will not help the economy.   The world economies are addicted to low rates which are like an economic pain killer drug.  The stock market is about to get real ugly for several months of withdrawal.  We will probably be $20 Trillion in debt before we can clean out this corrupt, incompetent, politically correct, government.
        It is evident that Warren Buffett, John Paulson, and George Soros know U.S. stocks are in a bubble that is about to burst.   They are dumping their weak assets.  Stocks have a price-to-earnings ratio now which is 71% higher than their 10-year average.   Typically during a recession the price level of stocks drop somewhere between 70% and 90%. 
           Dec 19, 2015   Martin Shkreli, was arrested Thursday on charges of securities fraud related to a company, Turing Pharmaceuticals, that he ran and which he used to jack up drug prices knowing that Obamacrap was set up so incompetently that it would accept any and all health related price increases.  Obama crap has increased  an average of 14% in cost each year because Obama’s Uncle Sap pays everything and has nobody minding the store.  The whole pharmaceuticals industry is now in a stock market bubble based on passing through price increases that have given the industry obscene profits. 
            In most of America the Independent category of voters is where the people go when they cannot stand the organized political parties.   Trump only gets 42% of the Republican party but gets about 80% of the independents and 20% of the stupid people’s party.  No one has polled the Independents yet and when they do they will find that since the Independents are more than the combined Republicans and “stupid people’s party” Trump will beat Hillary by 55% to her 45% as things stand today.
            Political correctness was created by stupid and incompetent people who figured it was the only way to protect themselves from demanding intelligent people who see through the fraud, incompetence, bullying, and free loading.  Political correctness has become the primary defense of the bullies that want to steal whatever they can and declare themselves entitled people by claiming they are Native Americans, Blacks or whoever the “stupid party” wants to protect.  Sanctuary cities are places created by the “stupid party” to harbor and protect illegal alien criminals that have put the lives of Americans like Kate at risk.

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