Monday, December 28, 2015

Dec 28, 2015 The second Obama recession has begun in earnest and should be over by summer. Therefore the accelerating steep stock market decline should be over before then. We estimate the stock markets are now less than one third of the way down and at least two major short declines still lay ahead. The BBC has done a marvelous job diverting world attention from the incompetence of the Obama administration both socio-economically and militarily. The BBC staff created the expansion of ISIS and the resulting massive migration and human crises. Notice that since someone told the BBC to shut up, the BBC no longer spends so much time showing the chaos of terrorism and the mass migration and slaughter the BBC has exploited as their primary news profit center. The BBC behavior has been despicable and gives the world freaks the publicity they crave. The BBC has drowned out the incompetence of world leaders and given ISIS their publicity and political platforms.

            Trump should announce that any illegal alien who tries to vote illegally will be deported and never allowed back into the USA.  This warning is needed because the “stupid party” helps register illegal immigrants to vote.  Anyone illegally in the USA who commits the crime of illegally voting or helping others in that crime should be deported and never allowed citizenship.  Just one generation ago all American criminals in prison were denied the right to vote as part of the punishment while serving time for their crimes.   But the stupid party knew the criminals would vote for them so they let felons vote now.  Trump already promised to make the “stupid party” sanctuary cities for criminals illegal in the USA.  The penalty for not obeying the laws of the land should be the loss of the right to vote and the penalty for not supporting the Constitution should be the loss of citizenship.  That way Americans would not have to worry that religious terrorists will ever rule sections of America as they do sections of Paris, Syria, and Turkey.

            Industrial production is still lower than when Obama was elected.  In fact it plunged the moment he was elected in November and is still lower than it was back in 2007 under Bush some eight years ago.  Obama has ruined the economy, ruined world peace, and now has the people rioting in corrupt Chicago where his former chief of staff Rahm Emanuel rules with an iron hand.  A teenager was gunned down in cold blood last year and Rahm Emanuel refused to release the video evidence until he was recently forced to by a federal court.  Even the illegal immigrants are now leaving because they think it is better in Mexico than under Obama. 

            Finally the market Bears have overtaken the Bulls as they did when Obama was elected and during market corrections of his administration when Americans lost confidence with his administration.  The governor of NJ will never get to be president because he hugged Obama after hurricane Sandy hit NJ a week before the 2012 election.  That made it clear to the “stupid party” just how prominent Governor Christie was.  To destroy Christie the “stupid party” illegally had the NSA supercomputer used to match random short conversations between Christie’s staff to fabricate the Obama story that Christie played dirty tricks while Governor.   Even the Democrat mayor of the city with the Washington Bridge traffic jam said the Obama investigation was nonsense.  The two staff workers have both vehemently denied the Obama’s totally fabricated NSA bridge traffic evidence.  The “stupid party” continues to use taxpayer money and to misuse NSA to harass Governor Christie four years after the Christie hug that got Obama elected.  That is because the “stupid party” is too stupid to know that the Christie hug of Obama was the kiss of death for Christie’s national Republican aspirations.

“But studies show there's no evidence that the oft-cited NSA random information analysis is accurate.”


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